What is Guest WiFi Network and How will You Set it Up

Wifi Symbol in Yellow with black background

In today’s world, it is common for people to share their home WiFi passwords with guests. This act of sharing is seen as hospitable and often expected by guests.

Even you aren’t worried because you feel that everyone should stay connected to what’s happening around the world. But sharing your password also means inviting unwanted threats and troubles, especially because you are exposing your network whenever you grant WiFi access to any new device.

What is a Guest WiFi Network?

A guest WiFi network is separate from the main network and can be accessed by guests with a password. Guest WiFi networks are often used in businesses, hotels, and other public places where there is a need to provide internet access to visitors without giving them access to the main network.

You can also use a guest WiFi network in private homes to keep personal devices and data safe from guests. Many routers now come with the ability to create a guest network, making it easy to set up and manage. This type of network is a convenient and secure way to give visitors internet access while protecting your main network from unwanted access.

Why Should You Have a Guest WiFi Network at Home?

If you have a home WiFi network, chances are you’ve had someone ask to borrow your password before. While it’s not a big deal to give your close friends and family access to your primary network, you probably don’t want to give newcomers full access to it.

After all, the more people who are connected to your network, the slower it will be for everyone. In addition, it can be a security risk to allow too many people onto your network. If one of those individuals is up to no good, they could potentially access your personal data or use your WiFi connection for illegal activity. Here are a few reasons why it’s best to have a guest network at home:

1. Protection Against Malware

As more and more devices connect to the internet, the risk of malware attacks grows. For readers in Hampshire, I highly recommend you have a look at ‘hosted phone provider Hampshire‘ as this could be very beneficial for you. This separate network can be used by visitors and devices that are not part of the primary network. By isolating these devices from the rest of the network, you can reduce the risk of malware infections spreading.

2. Get Password Protection

When it comes to WiFi password security, it is important to be vigilant and mindful at all times. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as many people often reuse passwords for different accounts.

While this may seem convenient, it actually leaves these accounts vulnerable. If one account is compromised, then all other accounts that share that password are also at risk.

This is because a hacker could easily remember and exploit a password that is used in multiple places. In order to protect your primary network, it is important to set up a guest WiFi at home.

3. Isolating Devices

When setting up a home network, it’s important to consider security from both external and internal threats. A guest network can help to protect your devices from both kinds of risks. By keeping devices that are easy to hack into (smart TVs and video games) off your main network, you make it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your system.

Additionally, a guest network can help to prevent malicious software from spreading between devices on your network. When you isolate the devices that are more susceptible to attacks, you can keep your entire network more secure. In today’s connected world, a guest network is an essential part of protecting your home from both external and internal threats.